CFA Exams
You will find a lot of information concerning CFA examinations on their website. Specific Information on Exam Registration, Scheduling and Deferrals can be found here.
UK VI Tests
We deliver the UKVI visa exam on behalf of LanguageCert and Prometric. Read carefully the confirmation notification you receive following your booking. You can contact LanguageCert here.
Pease note we are only able to accommodate the test taker in the Centre for these tests. Waiting friends and family will need to wait outside the Centre.
Life in the UK (LITUK) Tests
Life in The UK (LITUK) tests are delivered on behalf of the UK Government. Whilst there are some 3rd party guidance online, you will find all you need at the Government website. https://www.lituktestbooking.co.uk/lituk-web/.
Pease note we are only able to accommodate the test taker in the Centre for these tests. Waiting friends and family will need to wait outside the Centre.
ACCA via British Council
For session CBEs and paper-based exams you can enter for the March, June, September and December exam sessions by using the ACCA online booking system. Go here for more information.
Once you have booked your exam you will receive a docket with information about your booking. You will need to print this and bring it with you on the day of your exam. It will also contain detais of who to contact with any queries. Please refer all questions to the contact address shown.
You can find more details here
CII Exams
CII exams are managed by our partner PSI Online. You can find details about these exams at the CII website.
Pearson Vue On-Demand
Pearson Vue offer in excess of 1000 IT technical exams on-demand. We facilitate these exams every Friday's each week. Click here to find out more.
PSI On-Demand
We provide facilities for PSI Online On-Demand exams every Thursday. Book your exams here.
You will need to refer any questions re your exam directly to PSI.
Our Hosted Exams Partners
We facilitate exams for a number of professional organisations via different technical partners. All the exams listed below are managed by the partner specified.
We have no sight of your booking and are unable to answer queries about specific exam bookings. For answers to questions about booked exams please contact your specific partner via the link below or via the correspondence details sent to you on your exam confirmation email.
We have no access to the booking system for these exams and are unable to answer booking queries. Please make a note of ther contact number and/or email address sent to you in your confirmation email. THIS IS YOUR POINT OF CONTACT FOR THESE EXAMS.